
Neons and Neutrals


Este foi o primeiro livro editado pela Laine Publishings em 2023.

Um livro da designer de cores Aimée Gille, a criadora dos fios La Bien Aimée.

Cores e texturas inovadoras numa coleção de 16 modelos únicos.

Neons & Neutrals: A Knitwear Collection Curated by Aimée Gille of La Bien Aimée! This time, Aimée Gille has put together a collection full of unexpected colours and textures that invite you to knit beyond your comfort zone. A sequel to Aimée's immensely popular first book Worsted, it is an eclectic collection of 16 patterns that invites crafters to combine yarn in new and unexpected ways across brands and bases. We thought it wouldn’t be possible but this book is even better than its predecessor, setting new standards and showcasing modern knitting at its very best.

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