
The Shetland Trader by Gudrun Johnston


O terceiro livro da coleção The Shetland Trader, da autoria de Gudrun Johnston chega-nos da editora Pom Pom. Um livro com raizes profundas que recorda e transforma o trabalho de Patricia Johnston, mãe da autora e a original Shetland Trader.

O livro contem 11 modelos de roupa e acessórios com origem nos modelos criados por Patricia Johnston nos anos 70 que tendo sido revistos e repensados na sua estrutura mantêm a tradição, o sentimento da época e as técnicas de tricot usadas nas ilhas Shetland.

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Gudrun Johnston
joins forces with Pom Pom Press for the latest instalment of her Shetland Trader series. This third volume explores the very roots of the series: the made-to-order knitwear business run in the 1970s by Patricia Johnston, Gudrun’s mother, which operated as The Shetland Trader.

Through archival research and a network of family, friends, and fibre enthusiasts, Gudrun has unearthed some of her mother’s best-loved designs and updated them for contemporary knitters. This collection contains 11 patterns for garments and accessories. Use them to create seventies-inspired dream ensembles as well as heirloom pieces incorporating traditional Shetland knitting techniques and motifs.

The Shetland Trader, Book Three: Heritage asks us to consider the traditions and fabrics we pass on to those we love, and the stories and wishes knit into every stitch.

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