
My Knitting Notes by Laine


Apresentamos o novo caderno para as suas notas de tricot da Laine.

Não só útil, como também uma boa prenda de Natal para quem tricota.

As said by the Laine team:

We are very happy to announce that our beloved notebook My Knitting Notes has now a new colour version: Burgundy. As the previous version ”dusty pink” is almost sold out, the burgundy notebook is available for wholesale orders immediately. So – feel free to place an order for the new notebook right away or add copies of it to your pending order. As a reminder, here’s the basic information about our notebooks:

  • space for 31 knitting projects
  • 6 pages for keeping track of your yarn purchases
  • 18 gridded pages for charts or colourwork sketches
  • a conversion table for knitting needle sizes
  • a measurer
  • and the most common abbreviations.

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