
Uma nova revista para quem quer fazer a sua roupa e é exigente com o design e qualidade dos modelos. Cada número contem 8-10 designs, impressos em papel de qualidade e criados por designers célebres ou novos talentos. As instruções são claras e as ilustrações também. A revista inclui ainda entrevistas e artigos diversos.

Segundo número desta revista que marca a diferença no mundo da costura, com modelos de designers internacionais.

TAUKO magazine is a pioneering independent print publication for home sewists and design-oriented crafters around the world. Each issue features 8-10 designs created by the community celebrities and newcomers. Paper patterns, easy guidelines, agile images and illustrations make the sewing experience exciting and fun. The vast horizon of crafts, culture and climate is featured in interviews, columns, articles, tips and recommendations by international contributors.

The theme of Issue No. 2 is Kinship and the articles, essays and columns are weaving together the shared
experiences of different crafting communities. The issue No. 2 is a 128-page collectible which comes with four

folded paper pattern sheets included with the magazine.

• 10 sewing patterns from international designers. Including two zero waste patterns.
• Maker story by New York based surface designer Dita W. Yolashasanti

• Essay by designer and vintage collector Jesus Herrera

• Column by craftivista Betsy Greer

• Interview with Sámi joik artists Hildá Länsman and Ulla Pirttijärvi

• Article about Gee’s Bend Quilters
• Craft letter from Ankara by Nisan Aktürk

• Book recommendations