
Uma nova revista para quem quer fazer a sua roupa e é exigente com o design e qualidade dos modelos. Cada número contem 8-10 designs, impressos em papel de qualidade e criados por designers célebres ou novos talentos. As instruções são claras e as ilustrações também. A revista inclui ainda entrevistas e artigos diversos.

O primeiro número será lançado dia 15 de Novembro em todo o mundo. Contem entrevistas com Orsola de Castro, Sonya Philip e Wambui Njuguna-Räisänen que se destacam em diferentes áreas do mundo da moda.

Modelos de: 

Ivona Fodora, Minna Konttijärvi, Mila Moisio, Johanna Morris, Casey Sibley, Evelyn Sitter, Marie

Stamm, Miriam Strotkötter, Kaisa Rissanen.

128 páginas. Moldes impressos em 4 folhas soltas, dobradas.

Pre-sale, release date is November 15th.

TAUKO magazine is a pioneering independent print publication for home sewists and design-oriented crafters around the world. Each issue features 8-10 designs created by the community celebrities and newcomers. Paper patterns, easy guidelines, agile images and illustrations make the sewing experience exciting and fun. The vast horizon of crafts, culture and climate is featured in interviews, columns, articles, tips and recommendations by international contributors.

In the No.1 issue of the TAUKO magazine, you will find chapters that highlight makers as artists,

revolutionaries and designers. We enter “The Age of the Makers” with essays and columns by

Orsola de Castro, Sonya Philip and Wambui Njuguna-Räisänen. Experts from different

professions in the field of fashion and textile share their experience and ponder the question

“Could makers revolutionise the fashion industry?”.


Ivona Fodora, Minna Konttijärvi, Mila Moisio, Johanna Morris, Casey Sibley, Evelyn Sitter, Marie

Stamm, Miriam Strotkötter, Kaisa Rissanen.


Orsola de Castro, Ivona Fodora, Sophie Frank, Moira Frith, Ninni Lehtniemi, Wambui

Njuguna-Räisänen, Laura Oja, Sonya Philip, Jen Siska


TAUKO is a 128-page collectable that measures in at 275mm high x 215mm wide. There are four

folded paper pattern sheets included with the magazine. It is printed in Estonia by Printon Oü on

(FSCTM certified) with a glue and stitch binding to secure durability and easy reading. It is

designed and published by TAUKOdesign Oy.